The Power of Words Proverbs 12:25

Words-powerful and painful.  The old nursery rhyme, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” couldn’t be farther from the truth.  God has given us a wonderful gift in the ability to communicate through words, but we must be wise in how we use or don’t use them.  People today don’t put enough emphasis on the importance of the spoken word. We live in a society of technological communication, technological short-hand, and the absence of the sound of the voice and the inflection behind it. We fail to understand the importance of words and their effect on another. Today’s proverb wisely states that carefully chosen words can uplift a hurting heart.  Ever meet someone who’s struggling, hurting, or putting on a brave face?  Words can make the difference in their whole day. We are instructed in God’s Word to always be ready to answer those without for the hope that is within us. If we never use words to praise God and what He’s about, how will they know?  We are surrounded by people who hide all their hurt and shame. We must ever be diligent in speaking only words that will edify and exhort those around us. Does someone need reproving? Do it with a loving spirit and make sure you have examined yourself first.  James 1:19 reiterates the need to choose our words wisely.  We never know what someone else is walking through and if we are impatient or insensitive, we can add to their sorrow and how that must break our Father’s heart!  Father, help me to think before I speak, listen with my heart and pray before speaking, and let me always point to You as the source of all comfort and joy!

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